MARSHALL, Mich.—The Marshall Community Foundation is seeking applicants for its more than 50 scholarships available for high school graduating seniors, and, in some instances, previous graduates and recipients.
Unless otherwise noted, the application deadline for this round of scholarships is March 1, and applications must be submitted to the Foundation by this date. For a more comprehensive list of scholarships available through the Marshall Community Foundation, including the criteria for each scholarship, visit our website at The majority of the scholarships offered through the Foundation now require the online application. This is a brand new process, so please reach out to the Foundation with any problems or questions you may have.
Following are summaries of the 2021 scholarships being offered:
American Association of University Women Patrice Elms Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall High School (MHS) graduating seniors who plan to attend a four-year institution or community college with the intent of completing a four-year degree. Applicants need to demonstrate initiative, positive personal characteristics and a strong work ethic.
BluFish Marketing Scholarship: A scholarship awarded to a MHS or Marshall Opportunity High School graduating senior who has chosen to seek a degree in marketing or advertising at a two- or four-year college or university.
Nicole Marie Burmeister Scholarship: Awarded to a Marshall High School graduating senior seeking a degree at a two- or four-year institution as a full time student. Applicants should exhibit Nicole’s personal traits of persistence, a willingness to help others, a willingness to try and a love of the outdoors and life.
Donald and Ruth Chadderdon Music Scholarship: Awarded to MHS instrumental music students, during high school or after graduation, seeking a career in teaching or performance or for music camps, seminars or summer programs in instrumental music.
Ella “Gwen” Collins Nursing Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors or previous MHS graduates who can prove acceptance and enrollment to an accredited nursing program.
Clyde and Marian Connelly Music Scholarship: Awarded to former graduates of Branch and Calhoun County High Schools who are in their junior or senior year of college, and have a major or minor in music. Previous recipients are eligible to reapply, but no more than three annual awards per person. Deadline May 1.
Coury and Kesselring Natural Resources Scholarship: Awarded to Calhoun County residents seeking to further their education in natural resources or a related field at any Michigan college or university.
Dick and Anita Drake Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior who has chosen to attend a community college as a full-time student.
Dube and Katie Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors who have experienced a major life loss or challenge and have overcome it or are persevering to overcome it. Applicants must demonstrate financial need and be pursuing a college, technical, or trade school degree.
Eaton Corporation Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior pursuing a mechanical or electrical engineering degree. Applicants must have four years of high school math through Algebra II.
Al and Marge Bassage Exchange Club of Marshall Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall graduating seniors selected for the Marshall Exchange Club “Youth of the Month” Program, which begins in October and typically runs through March.
Rolland J. and Dorothea R. Face Family Christian Ministry Service College Scholarship: Awarded to students who have received Jesus Christ as his/her Savior and are in good standing as a member of a local Christian church. Applicants must be pursuing a career as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ or other full-time ministry and show proof of enrollment to Christian colleges vetted and approved by the committee.
Joyce L. Franke Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors or former MHS graduates who will attend a four-year institution and major in fine arts, performing arts, theater or architecture. Preference may be given to applicants attending University of Michigan or Kalamazoo College.
Fraternal Order of Police Wayne B. Fitch Lodge 138 Scholarship: Awarded to a graduating senior residing in Calhoun County, or graduating from a school within the CISD, pursuing a career in law enforcement or as a corrections officer. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, and be accepted to a Michigan college or university with an accredited Law Enforcement Program.
Marshall Rotary Club Gauss Scholarship: Awarded annually to MHS graduating seniors or graduating seniors who are residents of Marshall. Applicants must plan to attend a two- or four-year undergraduate college as a full-time student.
Ron Glant Memorial Art Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall or Coldwater High School graduating seniors planning to continue studies in visual arts at a four-year college, community college or trade school.
Bruce, LeMoyne and Stephen Gray Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors who demonstrate a sense of school involvement by providing positive leadership for fellow students. Recipients shall clearly demonstrate personal characteristics of honesty, integrity, sincerity, thoughtfulness and respectfulness.
Greene Family Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors or previous MHS graduates pursuing higher education in business or accounting, teaching, law or medicine.
Karissa “Kari” Hamaker Performing Arts Scholarship: Awarded to a student in Marshall, Olivet or the surrounding area, during school or upon graduation, seeking a degree in performing arts or for additional enrichment opportunities in performing arts.
Michael Hamaker Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a graduating senior or previous graduate from Marshall, Olivet or the surrounding area seeking a career in engineering, manufacturing or industrial technologies with programs such as, but not limited to, architecture, construction, drafting, electronics, welding and/or other related technologies.
Ruby Hamilton Henry Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior or previous MHS graduate pursuing a major in education at Michigan State University or Western Michigan University.
Harvey Hoeltzel Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors to further their education at a community college or a four-year institution. To qualify, an applicant must be the first member of his or her extended family (including siblings, parents, and grandparents) to attend college.
Nancy Hoeltzel Early Educational Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors or previous MHS graduates who will attend a four-year college or university. Applicants must pursue a degree in education (elementary, middle school or high school). Students who can demonstrate commitment to a career in early childhood education (Pre-K to 3rd grade) are especially encouraged to apply.
Milt and Irene Jenks Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior pursuing a career in criminal justice/law enforcement or the medical field at a two- or four-year institution.
“Kari On” Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors in pursuit of a college education. Applicants should exemplify Kari (Searles) Jolink’s attributes of honesty, respect, responsibility, caring and community service.
Jeff Kittinger Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior pursuing higher education in engineering. Applicants should demonstrate strong academic standing, engineering focus, out-going personality and exemplary citizenship. Preference may be given to automotive interest, part-time employment during high school, and acceptance to a major Michigan college or university.
Ann and Anthony LaPietra Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall-area graduating seniors or previous graduates pursuing majors/careers in community service and/or the arts, or who show signs of continuing these activities in the future in their essays. Recipients are chosen based on their current community activism and creative endeavors, such as, but not limited to, music, dance, theater and art. Applicant’s financial need and future plans, including plan of study and intended careers, will also be a consideration.
Merrily Jane Lloyd Scholarship: Awarded to a graduating senior residing in the greater-Albion area with plans to attend a two- or four-year institution as a full-time student. Concord, Homer, Marshall, Marshall Opportunity, Marshall Academy, and Springport High Schools may each nominate one student whom demonstrates the characteristics that Merrily embodied: dignity, class, grace, compassion and selflessness. The committee will then select a recipient from this pool of nominees.
K. John Lord Engineering and Science Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors or previous MHS graduates pursuing a career in the field of engineering or the sciences. Applicants must attend a two- or four-year institution as a full-time student.
Marshall Bowling Council Smith/Dannenberg Scholarship: Awarded to an active, certified member of the Marshall Youth Bowling Association/United States Bowling Council (USBC) who plans to further his/her education in a college or vocational school. Applicants must be an amateur as defined by the USBC. Service in USBC state, local and league offices will be considered.
Chelsea Douglas Hurd Mead Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors pursuing a degree or certification at a two- or four-year college. Chelsea exhibited and exemplified a deep passion for caring for all she touched. Recipients must possess that passion for helping others. Nomination only.
Olivet High School Class of 1982 Scholarship: Awarded to Olivet High School graduating senior(s) planning to attend any two- or four-year college or university. Applicants must exhibit community and school involvements, coupled with leadership skills, and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Preference shall be given to residents of the Olivet School District. Financial information is requested, but not necessarily a determining factor. Deadline: April 15
Marie J. O’Mara Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior pursuing a career in elementary education, special education, physical therapy or occupational therapy. Applicants should exhibit involvement in school and community activities, such as community service or as part of a group and/or organization.
Joshua L. Parks Memorial MSU Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior who demonstrates exceptional involvement in the community, whether through sports, music or active volunteerism. Applicants must reflect Joshua’s characteristics of caring, commitment to helping others, and his love of family. Acceptance and eventual enrollment at Michigan State University is required.
Marilyn Paskett Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior pursuing a degree in the teaching profession (elementary or secondary) while attending any four-year institution on a part- or full-time basis. Applicants must provide a list of community and school activities and a job history.
Harvey Randall Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a Tekonsha High School graduating senior to assist with expenses in the first year of post-secondary education. Applicants should demonstrate community and school involvement. GPA is not a deciding factor.
Herold and Retta Reuss Public Safety Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall-area residents pursuing a career in the criminal justice, emergency medical services, or other related fields, such as but not limited to, fireman, policeman, legal secretary or dispatcher. Applicants must demonstrate the drive and ability to be successful in pursuing a college education and/or a certification process in the fields aforementioned.
The Dale Rosene Alaska Great Lakes Project Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors or previous MHS graduates seeking a degree at a two- or four-year institution as a full- or part-time student. Students attending trade school or seeking other specialized training are also encouraged to apply. Applicants should exhibit the characteristics of the FISH! Philosophy. (For more information regarding FISH! Philosophy visit
Rebecca L. Sadger Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior pursuing a career in accounting, business, or computer/office technology. Applicants must demonstrate qualities of personal character that include self-discipline, motivation, persistence, and the ability to encourage and support these qualities in fellow students.
Serendipity Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior who has demonstrated initiative and a strong work ethic. Applicants must provide proof of part-time employment of 15 hours/week during high school.
Jeff Seybert Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors in pursuit of a college education. Jeff was known for his great smile but he was also known to be an active, vibrant, kind-hearted individual. It was important to Jeff to live a humble life not only in his personal accomplishments but in his willingness to help others. Applicants should exemplify Jeff’s personal attributes of kindness, respect, consideration, and humility with the courage to be a positive influence for Marshall youth.
George B. Sherman Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall-area graduating seniors, or Marshall-area residents 20 years of age or younger who have earned their GED, pursuing a two- or four- year degree or advanced education and/or training in the skilled trades. Applicant should show evidence of involvement in co- or extra-curricular activities or volunteerism related to the applicant’s field of interest.
Jack L. Sherman Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall-area graduating seniors, or Marshall-area residents 20 years of age or younger who have earned their GED, pursuing a two- or four- year degree or advanced education and/or training in the skilled trades. Applicant should show evidence of involvement in co- or extra-curricular activities or volunteerism related to the applicant’s field of interest.
Mae E. Sherman Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors seeking a bachelor’s degree. Applicants must show a strong sense of community involvement. The required essay is weighed heavily in the committee’s decision process.
Dr. David Sly Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall or Olivet High School graduating seniors or previous graduates pursuing a career in a music-related field, such as, but not limited to, vocal, instrumental or conducting. Applicants should possess a positive attitude, ambition and a strong involvement in music.
LaVern Smith Memorial Scholarship: Awarded to members of a 4-H or a FFA chapter within Calhoun County. Applicants must be seniors in high school or enrolled in a technical school or college, and under the age of 19 at the time the application is submitted. Deadline: April 1.
Frances Stevens Stuart Theater Production Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors or previous MHS graduates who are interested in pursuing studies in theater production.
Peter C. Stuart Journalism Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior or previous MHS graduate pursuing a career in journalism or a clearly related curriculum at a four-year institution.
Michael Stulberg Performing Arts Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors who exhibit exceptional talent or have been actively involved in more than one of the following: orchestra, band, theater or vocal music. Nomination only.
Twist Spartan Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors who show leadership skills and involvement in extra-curricular activities at MHS. Acceptance and eventual enrollment at Michigan State University required.
UAW Local 220 Scholarship: Awarded to graduating seniors from Barry, Branch, Calhoun and Eaton Counties who will be attending a trade school, community college and/or a four-year institution. Applicants must demonstrate financial need, leadership skills, involvement in the community and extracurricular activities. Preference may be given to applicants related to UAW members and/or retirees.
Aart VanElst Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS graduating senior who plans to attend a trade school, community college and/or a four-year institution. Applicants must demonstrate community and school involvement, a strong work ethic and financial need.
Steven E. Wasielewski Memorial Bookstore Scholarship: Awarded to MHS graduating seniors who displayed active involvement in, and appreciation for, their class and MHS. Steve was always smiling, active in a wide variety of school and class activities, loved by his classmates and respected by all who knew him. He was humble, didn’t need to be the center of attention and was often the unsung hero who could always be counted on. He truly made the most of his high school years and the recipients should represent those qualities. Nomination only.
Beatrice Williams Scholarship: Awarded to Marshall graduating seniors pursuing a degree in the field of education at a two- or four-year institution as a full-time student. Preference may be given to those pursuing a degree in Elementary or early childhood development.
Kevin and Kara Wills Family Scholarship: Awarded to a MHS or Marshall Opportunity High School graduating senior or previous graduate, including those currently attending a community college for one or more semesters. Applicants must prove enrollment to Eastern Michigan University or the University of Michigan.
Zink Family Scholarship: Awarded to residents of Marshall and surrounding townships pursuing an education or advanced training in skilled trades, as defined by the Committee and reflective of current industry needs, including but not limited to, the fields of healthcare technician, agriculture, information technology, manufacturing, construction or automotive. Applicants must prove admission to a two- or four-year college or an apprenticeship program through a member-college of the U.S. Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeship College Consortium.
For more information or visit the Foundation’s website,, or contact the Marshall Community Foundation at (269) 781-2273 or email [email protected].
The Marshall Community Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving quality of life in Marshall, and throughout Calhoun County. The Foundation holds permanently endowed funds from a range of donors, and serves as a conduit for special projects and the distribution of grants in support of innovative programs. For more information about the Foundation, visit