The Foundation is governed by a dedicated group of Trustees that reflect the diversity of our community. Trustees are chosen for their extensive knowledge of the community’s educational, cultural, civic and charitable needs. Trustees serve on a volunteer basis meeting six times a year to discuss community issues, set policy, oversee investments, and make final decisions on grants.
The Foundation is proud of the Trustees, they exhibit a strong sense of stewardship and a love for community.
Mrs. Marguerite Davenport, President
Jack Reed, Vice President
Mrs. Sandra Dobbins, Secretary
Mr. Frank Boley, Treasurer
Craig Carrel
Andrew Karr
Matt Seibert
Kate Stewart
Lori Watson Gardner
Eldon Vincent
Patty Williams
Julie Zink
Maddie Kue, YAC Representative
Pastor Richard Gerten, Emeritus
Jay Larson, Emeritus
Mark Stuart, Emeritus