Field of Interest Funds
The simple definition of community is, “a feeling of camaraderie as a result of sharing common interests and goals.” Vibrant, thriving communities are often built upon the generosity of its people, on neighbors doing what they can to help their fellow neighbors.
MCF works hard to anchor every dollar we distribute to our community’s “interests and goals,” always with the needs of our neighbors in mind. We accomplish this mission, in part, by working with donors to establish endowed funds that benefit the community we serve. Endowed funds last in perpetuity, meaning the principle is maintained forever while the investment earnings continue to grow the fund over time. One type of endowed fund are Field of Interest Funds, which enable donors to target community needs in a specified field, such as health services, education, recreation or the environment for example. When establishing a Field of Interest Fund, the donor identifies personal interest areas, and the Foundation awards grants to community non-profit agencies and programs that fit the Fund’s parameters.
Following are the Foundation’s Field of Interest Funds:
- Doc Boelter Outdoor Youth Safety Education Fund
Established to support programs impacting youth and outdoor safety. - Exchange Club of Marshall Fund
Established to address the needs of children at risk in Marshall and the surrounding area. - Healthy Youth and Healthy Seniors Fund
Established by a grant from the State of Michigan to support community efforts by schools, public health and other non-profit organizations in the prevention of tobacco use. Healthy life style programs for youth and seniors are also supported. - Kinter Family Fund
Established to support grants for the purpose of enriching quality of life in Marshall and the surrounding area. - Marshall Area Youth Fund
Established by matching funds from the Kellogg Foundation to support a variety of youth-related programs and projects in Calhoun County. - Marshall Public Schools Class Fund
Established to support Marshall High School with such things as educational materials and textbooks, supplies for co- and extra-curricular programs, and other needs that may not be included in the school’s operating budget. - Meyer Children’s Fund
Established to support non-profits that provide care and financial assistance to critically ill children and their families during their challenging journey toward recovery.
- Patricia Phelan Fund
Established for the purpose of funding those projects that strive for measurable community improvements in the arts, development, education, health, social services and other areas of community need. - Brett Reynolds Memorial Fund for Firearms Safety
Established to purchase and distribute trigger locks and other firearm safety devices for firearm safety programs in the Marshall area. - Bonnie Kay Rocco Community Kindness Fund
Established to support the charitable work of Calhoun County 4-H, Marshall and Tekonsha Public Libraries, local elementary schools and the Marshall and Tekonsha High Schools’ Athletic Departments.
For more information about these funds – or to inquire about establishing your own fund – click here.