Youth Advisory Council

DateMay 23, 2024
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1. How did you hear about YAC and why are you interested in joining? What specific qualities would you bring to the council?

I heard about YAC through my brother and I had thought it sounded interesting to join. Some things I would bring to the council is being good at working with others to come up with an answer, I am interested in money and I like planning things with money and understanding what that money is being used for.

2. What does community service mean to you and how have you been impacted by community service?

Community service to me means being there to keep the community nice and well put together. It means to help out because everyone has their part in the community and how you play your part can mean a lot to the community. The community has impacted me by showing that we all work together towards one goal. It has helped me realize when everyone works together a lot can be done.

3. YAC has identified the following youth issues as concerns in our community: (a) Academic pressure, (b) Mental health, (c) Vaping/e-cigarettes. Choose one of the issues. Discuss steps you would recommend taking to address the concern. *Write a minimum of 200 words

The topic I am choosing to write about is mental health. Mental health is very important especially in our teenage years in high school. Our bodies are changing a lot these years. With those changes, we have to still think about things such as, our school work, friends, family, and one of the biggest ones, social media. Social media is a big part of today's society. Social media can change people's prespecive on things in positive and negative ways. Unfortunately, there is more bad than good on social media these days. One post towards a person can greatly change their mental health. Some steps to take to address this concern is realizing what you post can effect someone and it should always be a priority to double check what you are posting to make sure you will not be hurting anyone. Another step to take in this is to make it more known how much these posts mean to people. As a person in high school a step everyone can take is being nice to another and not posting the bad things on social media because it has no benefit in posting something bad about a person. This can help people with mental health leading to a happier community.

4. If accepted to YAC, how will you prioritize your commitment to the organization? What extra-curricular events/activities might interfere with your YAC participation?

If I am accepted into the YAC it will be a priority to me to be at every meeting. The only other thing that would stop me from that is work. However, if there is a set schedule for when meetings will be, i can get those days off very easily and it will be easy for me to make it.

5. Have you applied for YAC membership in the past? If so, when?

I have not applied to YAC before.